With a need to find a home for my personal studies and archaeological interests, and a means of sharing these with others, Digging With Darren is a beginning. As far as my credentials are concerned, there are really none, outside the fact that I’m a student of Scripture. I began understanding Scripture from a Hebraic perspective around 1998-99, and have been zealous for the G-d of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob since that time.
I also teach regularly at a local Torah observant congregation, I contribute to a Messianic ministry through overseeing the publications & website, as well as contributing to some of the teaching, as well as being a volunteer for First Fruits of Zion whenever they can use my services.
I am more than happily married to a wonderful wife who loves Hashem 1, Messiah, Torah & Truth. She has been on this path in pursuit of Truth with me for the last decade and a half, and has been a constant source of encouragement and keen insight. We currently have three wonderful boys a beautiful little girl who bless us constantly, who through their curiosity, tender hearts, and constant need of shepherding teach us of our Heavenly Father’s relationship to us.
I created this blog right after I went to Israel on an archaeological dig in 2002 2 and have post off and on since. I hope that you will be able to enjoy my posts, but realize I have a 99% chance of being wrong on anything about which I write. I write, however, in order to express my observations and insights for the present moment, and these perspectives can changevery rapidly. There are many things about which I have blogged over the last half a dozen years with which my perspective has changed. I have almost removed these posts many times, but have kept them so that 1) I can remember my journey, and 2) you can possibly see it as well.
Not only are there outdated posts, but several broken links. I really apologize for this, but I just don’t have the extra hours in the day to go through each post / page and find everything that’s broken. So… please help me on this. If you click on something that interests you, and get a broken link (or content that is unexpected), please send me an email and let me know, so that I might have some kind of an idea of priority for fixing these things. Thanks in advance!
In the past I have begun writing a few books. However, I have put those on indefinite hold over the past few years due to both time constraints, and my re-learning of many biblical truths. Maybe one day… b’ezrat Hashem 3.
Hopefully this website will prove to be a resource for people searching for insights into the Scriptures. I will be attempting to share insights from a balanced, academic level, but with a heart of passion and in terms that the average person can understand. I pray you will be blessed.
For a brief overview of how I began this journey of Torah, please read my WWJW article.
If you have any suggestions as to how I can make this site better, or would like to see certain information contained on this site, please comment on any post or email me at darren *at* diggingwithdarren *dot* com.