Kol Menachem Haggadah

Slager Haggadah imageAlthough Passover is over this year, I just ran across another interesting haggadah. It is the Slager Edition Haggadah from Kol Menachem. Kol Menachem is a publishing company dedicated “to organize the thousands of hours of public sermons and teachings of the [Lubavitcher] Rebbe and make them universally accessible.” They are the publisher responsible for the five-volume Gutnick Chumash, which I have previously referenced.

I would have liked to peruse this volume before Passover this year, but I guess it will have to wait until next year. I am curious as to the chassidic insights into the text of the haggadah.

It is also worth mentioning that they are in the process of publishing a multi-volume edition of Rambam’s 13 Principles of Faith with commentary based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. I think this would also be fascinating and be worth the investment to explore the chassidic thoughts in regard to this topic.

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2 thoughts on “Kol Menachem Haggadah”

  1. Hey Darren,

    This is off-topic, but would you mind enabling full RSS feeds for your blog? Reading your blog in blog readers like Google Reader only show the first few lines, which discourages me from reading your whole posts.


  2. Hehe…I’ll definitely consider it, Judah. I’m sorry that is seen as an inconvenience. However, the reason I limited the RSS feed was to bring people to the site. I’d be interested to hear comments from anyone else out there would wants to chime in.

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