“Knocking” Seminar Followup

Boaz ZoomThis past weekend, our Sabbath fellowship hosted Boaz Michael of FFOZ and his family. The culmination of the weekend was the Knocking on Heaven’s Gates seminar held this past Sunday evening. While the numbers were few, the message was challenging and very timely. And while the seminar was great & the words were powerful, the words spoken at the seminar were not nearly as powerful as the ones unspoken. What do I mean by this? Let me see if I can explain.

Just as I stated, the message of the seminar was timely, applicable and powerful. Please don’t misunderstand—they were exactly what we have been needing as a body of believers. The couldn’t have come at a better time. But from my perspective, it wasn’t the message of the words that Boaz shared that were the most challenging. It was the message of that which was unspoken that I heard the loudest. The silent words of which Boaz spoke during this past weekend were deafening. They are still ringing in my ears, almost to the point of nausea. It is these words which have been the double-edged sword of both frustration and anticipation that I expressed in my recent post on Self-Discipline. It is from this soil that all the weeds and flowers in my mind have sprung in the past few days. To put it in a nutshell, the phrase “actions speak louder than words” is more true than we will ever fully realize. Just seeing how Boaz and his family live out their faith day-by-day and hour-by-hour has caused serious pause within me.

Boaz and DarrenI have thought for a long time that I was living out my faith through my actions, and that I was pretty much par for the course. Now I realize that I’ve got to switch my minature-golf putter for a nine-iron, and look beyond the tee. I’ve said for a long time that I thought Boaz had a lot of wisdom, and now I truly know what I mean by that statement—Again, please don’t misunderstand. This isn’t about putting Boaz on a pedestal. It’s about waking up and smelling the coffee (did someone say ‘coffee’???). Boaz just happens to be the catalyst for the metamorphosis (L-rd willing)—Here’s what I mean by wisdom. There are a lot of people out there that have a lot of knowledge. While knowledge is great, I would rather have an ounce of wisdom than a pound of knowledge. Knowledge is impressive, but wisdom is applicable and sustaining. Anyone can amass knowledge, few, however, cling to wisdom.

But what is the difference between knowledge and wisdom? We can get into a huge discussion of the differences, going back to the original Hebrew, etc. but this is not my point. My point is practical and observable. To me, the core difference between knowledge and wisdom is application. Let me briefly elaborate. Was not Solomon the wisest man in all the earth? But was his decision to marry pagan women wise? The answer is obvious. This leads us to a profound question. Why did the wisest man on earth make such an unwise decision? Answer: Wisdom is the application of knowledge. Foolishness is the refusal to apply knowledge. And this is where the unspoken words of Boaz grew in volume. Though he had a message of a disciplined prayer life, seeing his application of his knowledge of a disciplined prayer life this weekend spoke much louder than his words.

There’s an old saying that “those who can’t do, teach.” This was not the case this weekend. This was clearly a “lead-by-example” teaching method that is a standard of FFOZ that I appreciate immensely. I’m going to do everything within my means to rise to the challenge, and become a man of prayer and lead my family by example. Thanks for the challenge, Boaz.

As far as the specifics of the seminar, I’ll be teaching on the topic of prayer this Shabbat again, implementing some things I learned from this past weekend, so I’ll post more on the topic in the near future. In the meantime, I’ll leave you with this:

Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. (Proverbs 4:7, NIV)

ps. Thanks, Boaz, for standing on your knees in the photo of us together. ;-)

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1 thought on ““Knocking” Seminar Followup”

  1. I had hoped to attend the seminar in Tennessee, but was unable. Searching for inspiration this evening, I happened upon your blog. I have been encouraged by your postings. I do not have a siddur, but have decided that perhaps if I write out my own then I will become more disciplined in my prayer life. Thanks, Chedva

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