
Rabbi Rambo on the net

“This is a time for Tefillin and brass knuckles…” Lazer Brody, Israel Channel 10 radio, July 13, 2006 After only having heard of this Rabbi for about 24 hours, he’s quickly become one of my favorites. Affectionately dubbed “Rabbi Rambo,” Rabbi Lazer Brody has a great blog keeping us up-to-date in an almost moment-by-moment updates …

Rabbi Rambo on the net Read More »


I want to apologize, but I accidentally messed up the permalink to my blog article on the parashat Emor. It was just ugly with three headers in a row and gaping gaps, so I changed the initial header name, and that messed up the permalink. If you have already marked it for something, you will …

Ooops! Read More »

Holocaust Memorial Day

Today is Holocaust Memorial Day. Please take time out of your schedule to remember, to pray, and to resolve you will actively be a part to ensure this will never happen again. Forgetfulness leads to exile, but in remembrance lies the key to redemption.