Happy Purim!
Just wanted to wish everyone an early Chag Sameach! (Happy Feast!) Purim will be here shortly, so… remember Mordechai and the salvation of Hashem, and do not to forget to blot out the name of the accursed Haman! Shalom!
Just wanted to wish everyone an early Chag Sameach! (Happy Feast!) Purim will be here shortly, so… remember Mordechai and the salvation of Hashem, and do not to forget to blot out the name of the accursed Haman! Shalom!
fyi – when you post a comment on my site for the first time, it will be held for approval. After your first comment is approved, you may post your comments freely without approval, so they will appear immediately without a lag, awaiting my approval. So… if you’ve had a comment approved already on my …
I just found one of my desktop wallpapers on encyclopedia.com on their Sabbath article. They show a few topically “related” images and offer their viewers to rate the images. I’m asking that you would go to the site and vote for my Sabbath wallpaper to keep it in the top position (which it is currently). …
FYI – In the next few days I plan on making available my Passover Haggadah for sale on the site for anyone who might want to use it for this year’s Passover Seder. It will include a full-color cover, spiral binding (so that it will lay flat at the Seder table), and approximately 62 pages …
I got into a discussion the other night with a friend of mine in regard to the biblical perspective of alcohol. With Purim coming up, this has been a hot topic. In Christianity there are a wide range of beliefs in regard to alcohol. I grew up in a particular denomination that demonized it, while …