Small Anti-Disengagement Victory

A Victory in Court for Giborim Outpost Residents

14:08 Apr 21, ’05 / 12 Nisan 5765

( A district court justice overturned a lower court decision and ordered the release of four Hevron area residents without requiring them to sign an affidavit. They were arrested earlier in the week during the most recent IDF operation to destroy the outpost.

The lower court ruled the four would not be released until agreeing to sign a document that they would distance themselves from Giborim Outpost in the area, an outpost that has been constructed and dismantled subsequently by the IDF over 25 times. The activists refused to sign, telling the court they will not voluntarily agree to ban themselves from portions of the Land of Israel.

The district court accepted their position and ordered their unconditional release.


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