New Archaeological Finds in Temple Rubble

The Temple Institute has reported many new findings within the rubble thrown aside from the Arab destruction of Temple grounds during their illegal efforts to construct an underground mosque within the Temple compound. Their finds include:

“scores of history-rich artifacts, from the First Temple Period until today amidst the rubble, including a large amount of pottery dating from the Bronze Ages through modern times, a large segment of a marble pillar’s shaft, and over 100 ancient coins, among them several from the Hasmonean dynasty.”

Read the entire story HERE.

On a more disturbing note, American tax dollars are being allocated to forcibly remove 9000 Israelis from their homes in the Gaza and Northern Samaria areas, a total of $1.5 billion dollars to allow the Israeli government to violate Torah. These are sad days in which we are living, but foreshadow Messiah’s return.

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