Yom Kippur

Hey all. I know there is a wide range of folks out there who observe the Yomim Noraim in some way. Many people have a lot of different ideas of how to observe Yom Kippur in lieu of our present situation (sacrifice of Yeshua & most of us living in a non-Temple period outside the Land). I’m curious to hear how you (or your fellowship) are going to observe Yom Kippur next week. Let me know by posting here.

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5 thoughts on “Yom Kippur”

  1. This is the first year for our family to observe Yom Kippur. We are going to spend some time with our cousins who have been Torah observant for a lot longer than us. I am also going to go through a couple of resources like “God’s Appointed Time” and others to see what they suggest. I know I will be definetly fasting that day as required, and have thought about the other ‘afflictions’ for the day…you know, no bathing, shaving, wearing leather shoes, etc.. I’d love to go to a Jewish synagogue to experience the full traditions, but I am reluctant due to me not being Jewish, and I am not sure how they would take me, especially with the tzitzit. There is a messianic congregation a bit a ways we have also thought about checking out.

  2. Sadly, followers of Yeshua often misunderstand Yom Kippur. They come to the mistaken conclusion that before Yeshua came, Yom Kippur was the way to get to heaven when you die. This reduces the torturous death of Mashiach to a trite convenience, chas veshalom.

    There will be a great “Yom Kippur” at the end of the age, and that will deal with eternal issues and the world to come. But the Yom Kippur that now is, though it does not deal with eternal destiny, deals with This World, which right now is real and significant. Each year we have the opportunity to have some relationship maintenance with our Maker, to turn from sin, and to try to do better — in this life.

    Yom Kippur also helps us understand the great cost of sin. In Christian terms, it is a bit like Good Friday in that sense. Believers are sometimes like little children. We don’t like to hear the scary part of the story. We want to put our hands over our ears and fast forward to the end. But we need to hear it.

    And the happy ending will come. We’ve got not just one, but eight days to celebrate it, to bask in God’s forgiveness and in our reconciliation with Him. But the rejoicing does not mean as much if we do not first identify with the pain.

    My community and I will observe Yom Kippur to the full degree. Fast, pray, repent…all in the name of Messiah.


  3. Yom Kippur is a great time to “clean house” in our own lives. I’m sure we all have unbelieving loved ones for whom we can fast and pray. And let’s not forget “those in authority”.

    Having no congregation, we will observe the fast quietly at home.

  4. Like Aaron, I too am a member of ק”ק Ateret Yeshua. Our observance is basically a 25-hour fast and a run through the entire ArtScroll Yom Kippur Machzor. Baruch HaShem!


  5. Since I medically cannot fast my doctor have devised a “Yom Kippur Fast” just for me. It conttainss the very minimal amounts of food I need to make sure my medications work.

    Also, our favorite Yom Kippur traddition is to light a 24 hour candle in memory of someone who we love who has passed in the last year.

    I also take the time to make sure I am right with G-d, my neighbor, and that I am set for a New Year!


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