J-BOM Review for “The Lost” forthcoming

Yes – I know I’m behind. But it’s been a crazy month, and The Lost: A Search for Six in Six Million by Daniel Mendelsohn is a hefty book, both in size and in depth. This reminds me of Tevia (Fiddler on the Roof), as Derek was saying that I was behind on my reviews, I was shouting out “I von’t be late!” Well… I’m late. :-)

I wish I could devote all of my time to academics & such, but it just doesn’t happen when you run your own business and have 4 small children. So, I’ve come to the resolve to just “being late” from time to time, as much as I hate it. I’ve already started my review, but it probably won’t be finished for a few more days. Thanks for bearing with me. Shalom!

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1 thought on “J-BOM Review for “The Lost” forthcoming”

  1. I am behind too! I’m still only about half way through the book and very much enjoying the read! I am really liking these J-Bom books!

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